Selasa, April 7

Self Coaching- Found How Anxious or Depressed You Are

What Is
Why are you reading page? Maybe you worry too much, or perhaps
lately you’ve been struggling with panicky, out-of-control feelings
that leave you anxious and frustrated. You may snap at others. Perhaps
your sleep isn’t what it used to be, and you always seem to be in a bad
mood. Maybe you’ve become depressed; you feel tired, hopeless, or just
plain defeated. Sometimes you want to give up.
You may feel confused, but one thing you’re sure of. Life’s not supposed
to be this hard. You want answers—now! The last thing you
want is to waste time.
So let’s get started. The following self-quiz will show you how you
can benefit from this book.

Is Self-Coaching for Me?
Identify each sentence as either mostly true or mostly false:

T F I often start my thoughts with “what if.”
T F I usually see the glass as being half empty.
T F I worry too much.
T F I’m often fatigued.
T F I have difficulty concentrating.
T F I have trouble meeting deadlines.

A New Self-Therapy

T F I worry about my health.
T F I generally feel as if I’m on edge.
T F I’m often sad.
T F I have trouble falling asleep.
T F I have trouble trusting my perceptions (e.g., Did I
lock that door? Did I talk too much?).
T F I have too much doubt.
T F I would say I’m insecure.
T F I wake up too early.
T F My worst time of the day is mornings.
T F I dread having things go wrong.
T F I’m too concerned with my looks.
T F I have to have things done my way.
T F I can’t relax.
T F I’m never on time.
T F You can never be safe enough.
T F I exaggerate problems.
T F I experience panic.
T F I feel safest when I’m in bed.
T F I’m too sensitive.
T F I often wish I were someone else.
T F I fear growing older.
T F Life is one problem after another.
T F I don’t have much hope of feeling better.
T F I constantly fidget.
T F I’m prone to road rage.
T F I have phobias (e.g., intense fear of closed spaces,
bridges, open spaces, social encounters).


Total your “true” responses. A score of 12 or fewer suggests that you
are a relatively well-adjusted individual. Self-coaching can teach you to
shake off life’s setbacks. You can expect your social and personal effectiveness
to improve as you begin to become less tripped-up by emotional
interference. Mostly, you can expect to enhance your already
healthy personality with a more dynamic approach to life.
A score between 13 and 22 suggests that you have a moderate
degree of personality erosion. Self-coaching can quickly and simply
teach you to get beyond the self-limiting effects of anxiety or depression,
realizing a more spontaneous, natural way of life.
If your score was above 22, you have significant difficulty with anxiety
and/or depression. For you, Self-coaching needs to become a priority.
With patience and practice, you can learn to live your life
symptom free.
As beleaguered as you are, I don’t expect you to be convinced easily.
For now, just recognize that regardless of how anxious or depressed
you are, something in you is managing to read these words. That something,
the part of you that hasn’t quit, that healthy part of your personality
that’s still willing to try to solve the riddle that has become
your life—that’s the healthy person in you that Self-coaching wants to

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